With the increasing number of patients with end-stage renal disease, the number of renal transplantation cases is increasing year by year, and antibody induction therapy is becoming more and more widespread. Antibody induction therapy refers to the use of biological protein agents, that is, antibodies as an early implementation of immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation. The incidence of acute rejection is 30%-50% in the early stage of renal transplantation after the death of a citizen, which causes great economic and psychological burden to patients, therefore, it is necessary to reduce the incidence of acute rejection after renal transplantation by induction therapy. In addition, induction therapy can also delay the use of CNI drugs (cyclosporine, tacrolimus, etc.) to reduce their nephrotoxicity. The most commonly used induction therapy for kidney transplantation is interleukin-2(IL-2) receptor antagonist. It was first introduced into the clinic in 1997 and approved by the FDA for induction therapy. It can specifically bind to the α subunit of the IL-2 receptor complex on the surface of the T lymphocyte, specifically inhibiting T cell activation and reducing acute rejection. Compared with other induction therapy antibodies, they have a good safety profile and do not significantly increase the risk of infection or malignancy.

Chinese and foreign organ transplant experts have accumulated a lot of clinical experience and research data on IL-2 receptor antagonist to inhibit acute rejection, and unanimously recognized its efficacy and safety data, guidelines recommend IL-2 as the first line of receptor antagonist after organ transplantation. KDIGO (guidelines for the management of kidney transplant recipients) recommends IL-2 as the first-line receptor antagonist for induction therapy of kidney transplantation, noting that the perioperative period of kidney transplantation is characterized by active immune response and high incidence of acute rejection, induction immunotherapy is aimed at preventing graft failure due to acute rejection. The Eau -EuropeanpSocietyietyUrologylGuidelinesines for kidney transplantation) recommeIL-2IL-2 receptor antagonist for induction therapy of kidney transplantation. Our Chinese Medical Association also recommends IL-2 receptor antagonist as a first-line treatment for induction therapy in kidney transplantation.
Sun Yat-sen hospital affiliated to Fudan University Kidney Transplant Center has a wealth of experience in kidney transplantation, welcome to consult. We will join hands with you to relieve the pain caused by uremia.
Article | Zhu Dong, illustrations | Zou Garland
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