Call for papers | 2024 Asian Organ Transplantation Symposium (Shanghai)

Jointly organised by the Asian Committee on Organ Transplantation (TSS) , the Fudan University Shanghai Medical College and the Shanghai Key Laboratory for organ transplantation, the 2024 Asian Organ Transplantation Symposium (TSS) , hosted by Sun Yat-sen Hospital of Fudan University, will be 2024 for the first time from November 22 to 24. The TSS conference is an international academic conference that is officially recognized by the Organ Transplant Society (TTS) and is held every two years. This conference is divided into thematic paper solicitation and review, scholars at home and abroad are welcome to actively participate in the conference.

Basic information

Date and 202422-24 November venue: Dragon Dream Hotel, 1116 Yan’an west road, Changning District, Shanghai

Conference call for papers

All contributions must be submitted online in the conference management system. Contributions should be submitted in English only. No Fee will be charged for submission.

Links to submissions

Requirements for submission

Only registered attendees are allowed to contribute. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all co-authors agree to contribute, publish and possibly display in TSS 2024.

Registered website (mainland):

Registered website (International)


Format for submission

The meeting was presented in abstract form and presented in English.

Title: the title is limited to 100 characters.

Abstract text: abstracts should be limited to 3000 characters, including spaces, author’s name, affiliation, and study group.

Author’s affiliation: separate units with semicolons

Select a theme: during the submission process, you will need to select one of the following themes for your contribution:

1. Organ donation and procurement

2. Xenotransplantation

3. Basic research

4. Transplant Innovations

5. Transplantation related diseases

6. Kidney

7. Liver

8. Heart and Lung

9. Pancreas, intestine and other transplantation

Deadline for submission of 2024:1 November


