
Living relative kidney donation refers to the voluntary donation of a kidney by a healthy relative (e. g. parents, children, siblings) to a relative with end-stage renal disease. Donors undergo rigorous medical evaluation to ensure that they are in good health and that their quality of life is not affected. The advantages of this operation are high organ matching, high transplantation success rate and long-term survival rate, which help patients get rid of dialysis as soon as possible and return to normal life.

Evaluation of donors for relative kidney transplantation

Help you quickly know yourself and the patient’s matching fit

Understanding the procedure of relative kidney transplantation

At present, there are two sources of kidney donation in China, that is, living relative donation and organ donation after death (DCD) . How is a kidney transplant registered? What kind of tests do you need? What processes do you need to go through? An article tells you the answer

2024 复旦大学中山医院肾脏移植科室 版权所有

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